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Chief medical officer

Polotsk zonal CHE:

Michael Gurinovich

Personal reception1st and 3rd Thursday

From 8.00 to 13.00

office № 3 (3 floor).

tel./fax 44 45 81.

Deputy Chief Physician:

Svetlana Shcherbakova

Admission: t. 80214 44 45 81

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Public institution «Polotsk Zonal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology» is a public institution of sanitary-epidemiological service of the Ministry of Health. The main purpose of the center is the implementation of the state sanitary inspection in the city of Polotsk and the Polotsk region.

The main task is the implementation of the state sanitary inspection in the Polotsk region's compliance with state bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations and other economic entities, irrespective of their subordination and forms of ownership, officials and citizens of the existing sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards, as well as the conduct of sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures aimed at improving working conditions, education, life, rest and nutrition, as well as control over the organization and implementation of measures aimed at preventing and reducing morbidity in the service area.

Together with other health institutions, culture, education and other public organizations PG «Polotsk Zonal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology» always takes an active part in the promotion of hygienic knowledge among the population of the Polotsk region, promote healthy lifestyles.

Currently, the CGE Polotsk zonal works 119 people, of them have higher education - 21, a secondary special - 67 people. The proportion of physicians (the number of eligible to be certified) having a qualification category, up 87%.

Polotsk zonal CHE serves the population of the city of Polotsk and the Polotsk region numbering 110,000 people.

List of services.

• Advice on compliance with health legislation, sanitary and epidemic well-being of the population.

• Sanitary and epidemiological examination of pre-, design, regulatory and operational documents (at all stages of development), materials of construction, reconstruction and modernization of objects regardless of legal status and ownership.

• Survey of the object (enterprise, institution or organization) to administer the hygienic conclusion about employment opportunities within the selected profile with the issue of the sanitary-hygienic examination.

• Hygienic and epidemiological evaluation of the conditions of living, working and living conditions of the population, production and sale of food commodities.

• Review of program production control schemes departmental laboratory monitoring.

• Organizing departmental laboratory control products, sound levels, lighting, microclimate, laboratory study researches the air of working zone and the measurement of physical factors, etc., in homes and workplaces, issue opinions on the study results.

• Sampling of food and consumer goods, raw materials for subsequent laboratory analysis.

• Identification of contingents for passage profmedosmotrov.

• Conduct sanitary characteristics of working conditions for suspected occupational disease (poisoning).

• health education and hygiene education decreed contingents.

• Disinfectants, pest and deratization work.

• Issuance of certificates, opinions at the request of businesses and individuals.

• Implement administrative procedures.



211400, Polotsk,

st. Yubileinaya , 7-b


Our requisites

UNN 300250571

RNNBO 05562961

c/ a 3632000210119

f-l 216 ASB


Polotsk, MFI 648

Hot line

8 0214 49 46 42

8 0214 49 31 51